Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What do you do with your 401k after you reach age 70 1/2 and you are retired?

First off, if his 401k included any low basis company stock DO NOT ROLL IT TO AN IRA. He needs to consider the potential benefit of what is known as Net Unrealized Appreciation. If you need additional info see a CPA or ask on this board. I'm certain there are a number of knowledgeable professionals familiar with NUA. I see some insurance/annuity suggestions on this board. I'm familiar with the strategies described. I doubt I will ever be comfortable generating that type of current year tax hit. Next, does the owner of the 401k have a company of his own? Even a side business or something that could easily become a part-time company of his own? If he does then there may be ways to delay the withdrawal of the 401k. There are some provisions were a worker is not required to take the required minimum distribution if he is still gainfully employed. If he's the only employee of his business then he may be able to have a solo-401k. He should be able to roll the money into that plan and delay the distribution. As with anything, definitely consult a tax advisor and retirement specialist before doing any of these. Hope that helps, CRG

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